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F&W Executive Director Transition

Please join us in thanking Frances McLaughlin for her service to F&W!

A New Chapter for Farm & Wilderness

Frances McLaughlin Passes Torch to Jay Kullman as Interim ED

Read Messages Below

Letter from Executive Director, Frances McLaughlin

October 21, 2024

Dear Friends, 

I am in touch to let you know that I have decided to step down as Executive Director of Farm & Wilderness and Farm & Wilderness Conservation. The Board of Trustees and Jay Kullman have agreed that he will assume the role of Interim Executive Director starting October 16th.  Jay is a long-time leader at F&W/FWC—overseeing our conservation work, our Farm, and Facilities teams. I am highly confident that Jay is the right leader for Farm & Wilderness at this time. I have transitioned into a support role to Jay, our Development Team and the Leadership Team, responsible to Jay, and I will wrap up my work here by the end of the calendar year.   

The Board has formed an Executive Director Transition Committee made up of five trustees: Alisha Carberry (Clerk), Andy Schulz, Em Lash, Margo Lindauer, and Sheelah Feinberg; and this committee will work with Jay and me to ensure a smooth transition and support Jay and the Leadership Team over the coming months.  

I am deeply proud of our collective achievements over the past four years, considering the formidable challenges we've faced, including operating camp through the Covid pandemic, extreme weather events and other impact of climate change, high inflation, changes in the stamina and resilience of seasonal staff and campers, etc.  We could not have accomplished what we did without the trust and partnership of our camp families, the generosity of our donors, and the willingness of seasonal staff—new and returning—to work together through some challenging times.   

Many aspects of our organization have emerged stronger than they were pre-COVID, and our 2024 camp season was very successful—based on camper, camp family, and seasonal staff feedback. You’ll hear more about that in our Fall Interim. 

I have spent a lot of time reflecting on the challenging context in which F&W operates and how I operate as a leader.  While I joined F&W/FWC with expansive ideas for its future, the current reality requires us to focus on making our camps work programmatically and, as importantly, financially.   Therefore, I believe that it is in my and F&W’s interest to part ways, and for me to pursue opportunities that better play to my strengths and passions in a world that is so different than where I was, where we were, in early 2020.  

I know you care deeply about Farm & Wilderness and Farm & Wilderness Conservation, and we need your support--in all the ways it has manifested itself—to continue.  We have momentum, and let’s keep moving forward.  Even as I leave my role here, I will continue to champion our mission: Joyful Play. Purposeful Work. Rugged Outdoor Living. Please know I will share widely and enthusiastically the role Farm & Wilderness and Farm & Wilderness Conservation play in growing good humans, increasing access to summer camp, and taking care of this precious part of Vermont.   

Please be in touch with Alisha Carberry, Jay Kullman or me with any questions or concerns.   

With deep appreciation, 

Frances photo
Letter from the Clerk of the Board of Trustees, Alisha Carberry

October 21, 2024

Dear Farm & Wilderness Community,

On behalf of the Boards of Trustees of Farm & Wilderness (F&W) and Farm & Wilderness Conservation (FWC), I want to express our deep gratitude for Frances' dedicated service over the past four years.

Frances has led our organization through some of the most challenging times in our history, like keeping us steady during the COVID pandemic. She worked towards diversification of our community of campers and staff, to create a more inclusive environment that better reflects the world around us. This effort has helped make F&W a more welcoming and inclusive place for all and has strengthened the foundation of our mission.

Additionally, Frances made strides in elevating the work of Farm & Wilderness Conservation, integrating sustainability practices more deeply into F&W's programs, and advancing the important conservation work of FWC. 

On a personal note, I want to thank Frances for her partnership during her tenure. It has been a pleasure to work alongside her as we navigated complex challenges and celebrated meaningful successes. We extend our heartfelt appreciation and very best wishes to Frances in her future endeavors.

Looking ahead, we are pleased that Jay Kullman will be stepping into the role of Interim Executive Director. Jay has long been a valued member of the F&W community, deeply embedded in the work of both organizations. We are grateful for his willingness to once again take on this leadership position and are confident in his ability to guide us forward.

The future of Farm & Wilderness and Farm & Wilderness Conservation is strong and vibrant. Our mission of providing joyful play, purposeful work, and rugged outdoor living experiences resonates deeply with our community and beyond. With your ongoing support and engagement, we are well-positioned to build on our successes, embrace new opportunities, and further our impact in the lives of young people and our environment.

Thank you for your dedication to Farm & Wilderness and Farm & Wilderness Conservation. Your commitment to our community and our values is what makes this organization so special.

We look forward to the next chapter in our journey together.

In peace,

Alisha (1)
Letter from Interim Executive Director, Jay Kullman

October 21, 2024

Dear Farm & Wilderness Community,

I am honored to step into the role of Interim Executive Director for Farm & Wilderness (F&W) and Farm & Wilderness Conservation (FWC). As many of you know, I've been a part of the F&W family for over 17 years, and during this time, I've had the privilege of witnessing countless campers and staff engage in all that F&W has to offer. 

Throughout my tenure at F&W, I've worn many hats. I've guided the development of our Farm and Facilities, always with the goal of providing the best possible program for our campers. I've also had the opportunity to lead much of our conservation efforts, including a recent dam removal project. We continue to put mechanisms in place to ensure our land is secure, climate resilient for the future, and remains a place where our campers can discover the amazing gifts of nature.

But the part I've enjoyed the most has been developing staff and creating opportunities for our campers to participate in meaningful experiences. These experiences contribute not just to their enjoyment, but to their collective development as individuals and as members of a community.

Many of you may recall that I served as Interim Executive Director in 2020, so I'm not a stranger to this work. I am deeply honored that our Board has once again asked me to step into this role. I feel fortunate to be taking this on with a remarkable and very seasoned group of F&W colleagues. Together, we are already hard at work preparing for another amazing summer for our campers, summer staff, and the entire F&W community.

As we move forward, I want to assure you that our commitment to providing joyful play, purposeful work, and rugged outdoor living remains as strong as ever. We are building on a solid foundation, and I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for F&W and FWC.

Over the last four years, I've had the privilege of working closely with Frances, and her leadership has positioned us well for the future. I've also collaborated extensively with Alisha in her capacity as Clerk of the Conservation Committee on a wide range of projects. Her experience and dedication in her role as Clerk of the Board are invaluable, and I'm confident we'll work very well together to guide F&W through this transition and beyond.

I look forward to working with all of you as we continue to nurture and grow this special community. Your support and engagement are vital to our success, and I am grateful for your ongoing commitment to F&W.

Here's to another great year of growth, discovery, and connection at Farm & Wilderness!

Jay Kullman
Interim Executive Director

Jay Kullman